Friday, March 22, 2013

That Lady: Day 22

Today's main goal was to get grocery shopping done and for husband to finish his dissertation.  Both were accomplished!  I took the boys early to the bounce place in the mall to get some energy out before going shopping.  We grabbed breakfast and snacks for the boys from the target grocery area; not the best selection.
Breakfast: 4 mini blueberry muffins and a Starbucks Coffee. I also had a few handfuls of bunnies (the bunnies are on sale for 2 boxes for $4 at Target, that's a great deal!)

So, I'm 'that lady' at the grocery store that looks half out of her mind with crazy kids.  I always get one of those gigantic grocery carts that has the car at the front.  My four year old sits there while my toddler sits near me.  My boys pretty much eat their way through the grocery store.  They start in the berry section, then to the bananas, and of course we always grab a muffin.  We make our  way to the fish man (not sure what his official title is)  he so kindly takes a lobster out to let my boys look at it every time.  Really so nice of him.  I try to do the parameters first at the grocery and then hit the middle quickly where all of the processed food sits.  It's an aim of mine to have more fresh food than boxed/canned food in my cart or in our bellies each week. This is a difficult task.  Today was a normal grocery experience, until I lost my grocery list!!  We were just finishing up in the meat section.  I must have dropped it along the way.  I totally rely on the list.  My four year old at this point had exited the giant car and was playing some kind of hop game on the tiles and my toddler was begging to be nursed.  I tried my hardest to remember what was on the list, I grabbed cereal, peanut butter, and spaghetti noodles and then went into survival mode.  I went back to the meat area, grabbed two whole chickens on sale.  I decided that with two chickens we could make just about anything and be fine.  So I have to sit down tonight and figure out our meals for the week.  There is going to be a lot of chicken!

We got home from the store around 2pm so we just snacked a bit, kind of a strange mix yogurt and eggs.
Lunch:  Fat-free vanilla yogurt with fresh raspberries and a hard boiled egg.

Dinner was simple and fulfilling.  Dinner:  Spaghetti with marinara sauce and kalamata olives sprinkled with mozzarella.  A mixed green salad with light ranch and croutons. I also treated myself to a raspberry wheat beer.

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