Friday, March 8, 2013

Let the Weekend Begin: Day 8

It started snowing last night and just kept snowing and snowing and snowing!  My plan was to go to the grocery store early this morning but the snow deterred me.  Fridays for us are unusually unscheduled except for going to the grocery which can be good or bad as far as eating goes.  For the most part I did good.  I even resisted the muffin at the bakery while grocery helped that I was at there at 4pm and not 8am.

Breakfast: Coffee the way I like it sweet & light, oatmeal with a spoonful of brown sugar and milk and a little butter.
I know it's better to put honey on your oatmeal or even skip that and just add fruit and nuts but there's something nostalgic about eating it the same way I did as a kid.  Maybe I should try it differently.  Oatmeal is so good for you, I shouldn't ruin the health effects by smothering it in sugar.

Since I didn't make it to the store, I really had to scavenge for lunch.  I'm not one to have a ton of nonperishable food in my house.  However this winter  a few storms have blown through that we had to prepare to possibly be in our house for a long period of time and possibly without electricity.  So we stocked up on non-refrigerated milk, canned beans, tuna, and chicken.  So I went to this stash to see what we could eat for lunch.
Lunch: Chicken patty, mac & cheese, and frozen broccoli.

Since I didn't snack today and I missed second breakfast, by dinner I was soooo hungry!  We put the boys to bed and ordered pizza. Our small town doesn't have a gas station or a grocery store but it does have a really expensive Italian food restaurant, that happens to be across from our house.  They have personal size pizzas that are delicious and also the only thing we can afford on the menu!  I totally indulged!
Dinner: A thin crust, sausage, arugula, and mozzarella pizza ( I ate all of this but 2 pieces) and a cheap beer.
Dessert:  A handful of chocolate chips

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