Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blah: Day 28

Not sure what happened today.  I think it was the nice weather we had yesterday and today rainy and cloudy.  Whatever it was...I started my day off with a scone.  It was actually quite disappointing.  The little coffee shop I go to has so much better/fresher scones than Starbucks.
Breakfast:  Venti coffee light and sweet and a cinnamon scone

I went to the grocery store today. I usually go to a regular grocery store but today decided to go to Walmart.  Walmart is significantly cheaper and every so often I go there, but once there I remember why I don't go every week.  It kind of turns into a black hole and I get sucked into all the things I think I might supplies, beauty products, cheap clothes for the boys...and then all the crazy people.  I always have some incident at Walmart, today was not any different.  As we are about to go to the checkout my oldest son says "mommy I have to poo poo".  I think GREAT, we are at Walmart (which equals gross bathroom), I forgot the wipes in the car, we've been walking around here like zombies for and hour and half and all the meat is sure to go bad soon, and if I leave my cart outside the bathroom while my son takes his 15minute poop...will it still be there when I return. I took a deep breath and said "ok, lets go to the bathroom".  So the large stall was full so he went in a little one.  Mean while I had my youngest asleep on my chest in the baby carrier.  When it was time for me to wipe him...I couldn't quite reach, we had to stand with the stall door open and I wasn't doing the best job and then my toddler's sleep head falls back and hits the toliet paper dispencer....all I could think was 'is this really my life???'.  We finally finished up and headed to the checkout.  So after leaving the twilight zone of Walmart, we were starving so I stopped at Sonic and treated myself to a cheery Dr. Pepper and a was just one of those days!
Snacks:  I had a handful of strawberries and grapes, and a couple handfuls of bunnies

Since we had eaten lunch so late we just had a quick dinner after the boys went to bed. Dinner: Chicken patty with spring mix, swiss cheese and ketchup

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