Monday, January 13, 2014

Back in The Game!


Like many of you I made New Year's Resolutions.  I tried to keep them simple and achievable.
1) Drink more water, 2) Give more to others, 3) Give more to myself

My husband thinks the last two equal each other out...I disagree!  For example this blog is for me and for others; to give them a good laugh, a yummy recipe, or possibly inspire.  So here's to a New Year!

Breakfast:  My must, coffee with half & half and a spoon full of sugar.  I fried an egg  and decided to throw in some spinach that was on its last leg.  Delicious!

I've been having trouble coming up with healthy lunches.  I would love any suggestions.  This is what I threw together today.  Also it seems I was under a snack attack today. I tried to keep it healthy for the most part.  I just stopped nursing my toddler three days ago so I think my body is trying to adjust to how much food it needs.  Several times my tummy growled at me!

Lunch:  Whole wheat flat bread, hummus, tomatoes, spinach, and onion; topped with pepper with a side of carrots.
After lunch I indulged 
Snacks: Slice of brownie & a Cheese stick

 Dinner was delicious!  I made a yummy peanut Thai sauce that went great with chicken and veggies. Click here for the Peanut Sauce Recipe It made a ton so I have enough for two other meals!

Dinner: Vegetable spaghetti, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic, with chicken and peanut sauce.

Water: Three large glass.  I seriously haven't had this much water   in one  day in months!

Late Night Snacks: Two handfuls of gold fish and a cup of fat free/sugar free chocolate pudding; topped with whip cream left from Thanksgiving (I think that whip cream is going to need to be tossed in the trash...or it's going to show up each night in my dessert pics!)


  1. Whipped cream from Thanksgiving???

    1. Sue, it's from the "actual Thanksgiving Day" not our NYC Thanksgiving. I bought to put on brownies or something, I can't even remember but there sits in the door wanting me to squirt it into my mouth!

  2. This is so awesome Penny! Takes a lot of courage to put yourself completely out there for all to see

    1. Thanks Danelle! It really does help me...when I'm not recording my food...I think I stuff my face with whatever, whenever! I don't even think about it. Before yesterday, I honestly can't remember the last time my tummy growled. It's nice to feel hunger every now and then and eat out of need. Keep reading, I hope to try some new recipes. Would love for you to share any good ones you have!
