Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 2: Get'n in the Groove

Have you ever tried warm lemon tea in the morning?  I read recently that it has a lot of health benefits; for example it flushes out toxins.  So I decided to make a mug today.  It certainly did its job.  I think I peed every hour.  I seriously was afraid to drink much water after the third hour!  Going to the bathroom with a toddler at your side is hard enough three times a day.  But having to wrangle a little monkey three times that; from pulling the toilet paper, running water in the sink, turning out the light, or deciding to leave and head down two flights of stairs is a serious challenge and exhausting!  I think I will keep my warm lemon water drinking for the weekends when I can tag team with my husband.

I finally finished off the limp old spinach in the fridge.  Spinach is my go-to green.  Each day I think there is probably a 90% chance that it will end up on my table in one of our meals.

Breakfast:  My usual coffee, two poached eggs and a side of sauteed spinach


I got pretty creative with lunch today.  I think I might even try this one again.  It was pretty filling.  I am still having the stomach growls, so I was hoping it would do just that.
Lunch: Whole wheat tortilla, with leftover lintels and a tomato, weight watchers shredded cheese, topped with salsa

Afternoon Snacks:  Pretzels with hummus and a cheese stick

Dinner was pretty good.  At Christmas I bought one of those huge bags of potatoes for $3.  What was I thinking! And seriously...what percentage did a frarmer get off that profit!   It's taking us forever to get through them.  I think they may still be around for Valentines!  I've been having to be creative because my two boys don't like mashed potatoes.  However, they will eat them this way; I steam them first and then put them with garlic and hot olive oil in a pan and make them a little crispy.

Dinner:  Kiebasa turkey sausage, potatoes, and sauteed kale.

Water:  I wanted to get a lot of water in-take but seriously...I didn't want to have to pee more after the lemon water!  I drank about 20oz.

After dinner snack: Reduced fat Wheat Thins (about 40!)
 I seriously think it is night snacking that keeps my weight where it is or makes it go up.  I really just need to grab an apple instead of a carb.

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